Author Topic: Wanted!! Orc assault warriors and Elven archers  (Read 13284 times)

Offline Montadimus

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Wanted!! Orc assault warriors and Elven archers
« on: April 29, 2011, 01:41:12 AM »
Hello everyone^^

I'm one of the very few last french chronopia players, and as such, i'm trying to get all the missing models in my collection^^

first and foremost, i'm looking for the models in the title. If anyone can help me, it would be quite great^^

Thanks Everyone!!

Offline Buzzu

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Re: Wanted!! Orc assault warriors and Elven archers
« Reply #1 on: September 27, 2012, 04:54:48 AM »
Bonjour Montadimus.

Je t'ècrive en français meme si je ne le parle plus d'une dizaine d'annèes.
Les archers elves sont vraiment rares, moi aussì j'en ai seuelment 16, et je voulais les augmenter. J'ai pris des elfes differents et j'ai achetè seulement le leader original.
Les guerriers d'assault sont ègalement rares, mais on les voit de quelque temp en temp sur ebay. Mon conseil est d'acheter, pour le moment, les leaders, et le porte ètendard des orcs, qu'on trouve plus simplement que les soldats. Une fois que tu as les leaders et le porte ètendard il faut de la patience et chercher toujours on ebay. Si non, il faut chercher des "proxy", mais si pour les archers elfes c'est possible quelque chose de simil (peut etre entre les hautes elfes de la GW, vieille edition) pour les guerriers d'assault il n'y a rien de vraisemblable entre ce que j'ai vu.

Bonne chance :)

Hy Montadimus.

I write you in french even if I'm speaking it no more since a tenth of years. The elven archers are very rare, me too I got only 16 of 'em, and I wanted them to grow. I ended in buying some different minis and only the leader was the original one. Orc assault warriors are rare as such, but sometimes they pop up on ebay. What I suggest is to buy, for the moment, the leaders and the orc standard bearer, who you can find easily than the soldiers of the wb. Once you got the leaders and the standard bearer you have to be patient and look everytime on ebay. Otherwise, you have to look for some "proxy", but, if this is quite easy for the elven archers (maybe between the high elves of GW, old editions), for the assault warriors there's nothing similar I could find in all I've seen till now.

Good luck :)